Snooze Button

“Just a little longer…” becomes a lifetime of procrastination.

Why is it that we prefer comfort and routine over excitement and purpose? Well, the simple answer is, we are tricked into it. God created every single one of us with purpose and on purpose. He planned a life of excitement for us from the very day we were born. But the problem comes in when we follow the lead of society. They encourage us to stay in the boat because it’s safer, drier and more comfortable.

And the devil loves comfortable Christians, because they don’t break any ground to disrupt his work. You see, it means stepping out of our comfortable places to be effective for God. We need to step onto every spiritual battleground we can find, to face every giant we can. Standing on the shore is cosy, but it’s out on the stormy seas where we are most effective. It’s time to step out of the boat, lose sight of the shore and focus on Christ.

Today is the day to smash that snooze button on our lives. We need to get out of our warm, comfortable beds of existence, and embrace true living. Stop listening to the snoozy voices of the world, and even religion, and start heeding the call of God on your life. Do that crazy thing that you have been called to do, but haven’t got around to doing, because comfort stood in your way.

So today, let us let go of excuses, and grab on to a life that God has prepared for us. A life of purpose.

Have a wonderful day.


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