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A Different Way


Sometimes, we don’t need a different house. It just needs a new coat of paint. And often we don’t need to change everything in our lives when something isn’t working. Sometimes we just need to change the way we do things.

My friend, Craig, from South Africa recently shared a passage with me where Jesus told the disciples to chuck their nets on the other side of the boat. They were reluctant to change the way they had always done things because they were usually successful in doing it that way. It became habit and they stuck to it. Jesus was telling them to do things differently. They did… and the result was phenomenal. They experienced success to an extent that they could never have dreamed of.

Maybe this message is for you and me. Let’s continue to follow that passion we have. We don’t need to change it, but it might just be time that we change the way we’ve been doing it. They say that change is as good as a holiday. I say that change gives new life and new energy and being really alive is what life is all about. Change keeps us out of our comfort zone and on our toes. So take that existing passion, dare to change the way you approach it and see how it leads to success.

Have an awesome day!

1 thought on “A Different Way

  1. Powerful words.
    Good way to view the new year !

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