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Just do it!


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Bev loves telling the story of when a friend in primary school dared her to walk backwards on a wall. She fell and broke her arm! It was a pretty silly decision but what would be the point of feeling guilty about her last step. Why keep revisiting the past and try to work out what went wrong. The point is that walking backwards will only lead to pain and brokenness. We only end up in the wrong place for the wrong reason because we were never created to live in the past.

When we keep looking at our past mistakes, we will always be afraid to take the next step. So many people have been stuck in the same place because they are too afraid to step into the unknown – the road less travelled. Here’s the thing… If the past that is now known, was full of mistakes, then maybe it’s time to try a new strategy. Maybe stepping out into the unknown will lead to better results.

  • As a Christian I never need to feel alone when taking the next step because I know that God is already there. He says, “I will never leave you…”
  • As a child of the one true King I never need to feel afraid when taking the next step because I know that God goes with me. He says, “I have given you a spirit of boldness…”

When what God calls you to do, scares you spitless, then you know there are big things coming but you also know that you will need Him by your side every step of the way. Don’t allow the voice of doubt to talk you out of it. Don’t allow the spirit of fear to stop you from moving. Listen to the reassuring voice of God, calling you to much bigger things than you could ever have imagined. Whatever it is that God is calling you to do, DO IT!

“If not us then who? If not me and you, right now! It’s time for us to do something.                                               If not now, then when? It ‘s not enough to do nothing. It’s time for us to do something.”

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